PORTFOLIO 2023vjfideacenterNov 8, 19951 min read ORIGINAL DOCUMENThttps://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRZ-IdjRrFJMiTsPrqWqeFGrJQtnqyJgZP-dZou4tnbhGY6FECqoDLhOFLAB9zHVfM5fyLqC6OLhfWM/pub
ORIGINAL DOCUMENThttps://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRZ-IdjRrFJMiTsPrqWqeFGrJQtnqyJgZP-dZou4tnbhGY6FECqoDLhOFLAB9zHVfM5fyLqC6OLhfWM/pub
Mental Health HiatusHello. As you can tell, I have not been posting consistently. As you cannot yet tell, I am only less than halfway through my next post. I...
An UpdateHello again. As you can probably tell by the title, I have an update. Part two of the football and slavery post will be delayed until...
The Trade-Off: Slavery and Sports (Part One)IN THIS SEASON OF THE MARCH MADNESS AND THE NFL DRAFT In this sporty season of March Madness, the NFL Draft, and the Golf Masters, it is...